80,000 Voices
80,000 Voices produces ticketed music and dance events involving well-known musicians, comedians, DJs and choirs which take place in stadiums across several countries simultaneously over a period of 2-3 days. Its aim is to build large scale social capital and cross-cultural understanding through collective civic engagement. This is not a new idea. Audience participation is a big part of the 80,0000 Voices experience. We have taken inspiration from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania which have been holding huge song and dance festivals since 1873, understanding that mass participation gives us a feeling of connection. Our own Crystal Palace in London held regular mass participation choral music events for 60 years until it was burned down in 1936.
Type of Organisation
- Non governmental organization (NGO)
Areas of Interest
- Community Peacebuilding
- Peace & Justice
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Youth
Organisation Activities
- Fundraising
- Networking
- Project Implementation